Group Counseling
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
~ Helen Keller ~
In group therapy, we will addresses issues of the whole person, from the inside out, recognizing you as a complex individual with many intersecting qualities and needs which blend together and affect and influence one another. This holistic approach means every part of your experience as a human will be examined, and you will be able to explore your whole self within a safe and supportive community with others also doing this same work.
The power of people sharing experiences, especially of positivity and healing is a real force! Just recently, a study conducted by University College London “found that during theatre performances, theatregoers’ heart beats synchronise and beat at the same time, which has been shown to lead to people bonding more.” When you are in pain or experiencing chronic illness, you often feel alone on an island. Group therapy is a powerful means of connection and growth unlike other forms of individual treatment.
Befriending the Body Group
Befriending the Body is a chronic pain and illness group focused on helping adults with chronic health conditions develop a gentler relationship with their bodies and learn practical skills and tools to manage stress. The next round of this online (Zoom) group is tentatively planned for March of 2025.
This is a supportive, inclusive and affirming group with a foundation of compassion, validation, and respect for each individual as they are and with their own unique lived experiences, identities, perspectives, insights, strengths, and challenges.
Each group cohort is limited to 8 participants and runs for 8 weeks. Additional groups will be added, so if you are unable to start for the listed group, please contact Vickie to be added to waitlist for the next cohort!
Click the link below to schedule a free 20-minute consult to see if this group could be a good fit for your needs!
Empowered Wellness Group
Group therapy not only offers skills, but offers a place to receive support from others who understand what you’re going though with chronic pain and illness.
Here, you will gain new skills, learning how to make simple lifestyle changes to improve function and enjoyment, also digging into deeper issues of identity, meaning and purpose.
Skills are based on 8 Domains of Wellness, including:
Mental, Emotional, Physical, Financial, Vocational, Spiritual, Social, and Environmental Wellness
Based in a bio-psycho-social approach, group includes:
fun and interactive exercises, real life examples and strategies,
(Alphabet Soup! click the acronyms above for more detail an what these methods are)
psychoeducation about the mind-body connection,
realistic approaches to healthy lifestyle habits,
as well as group emotional processing to help you feel connected, supported, and hopeful that you can take back control of your pain and your life!
This group is held all online, and is a support and process group. It is an open group (meaning no beginning or end - start or stop whenever you like), but is limited to 8 participants at a time. Please inquire about openings by clicking the link below.
Click the link below to schedule a free 20-minute consult to see if this group could be a good fit for your needs!
What You’re Feeling:
Isolation due to illness, losing connection with others
Misunderstood, dismissed or invalidated
Pressure on you to do more than you feel capable
Mourning the loss of activities and interests which used to bring you joy and purpose
Endless medical appointments which may help but don’t bring the relief you need
Loss of identity, not knowing who you are anymore
Wondering what the point is, feeling lost, depressed, hopeless, helpless, angry, and stressed
No end in sight to your suffering
What Group Can Provide:
A sense of belonging, community with others with similar symptoms
Feeling heard, seen, understood, and like your feelings are real and that YOU matter
Being able to set realistic boundaries and limits and feel good about what you can offer
Finding some relief to your suffering by finding new hobbies or adapting old interests to fit with physical limitations, reducing stress, and putting yourself first
Learning new skills to cope with and reduce stress
Finding hope, meaning, and purpose in your life once more
Liberation from old negative and limiting beliefs about yourself and your health
Empowerment to seize control of your destiny!